


Enclosed is information on an excellent realtor, Mr. Peter Orisses, who specializes in Bayside real estate sales. I have utilized his services in the past and have always found him to be ethical, efficient and professional. Peter has been a leading Bayside realtor for many years and I recommend his firm to you.
Please feel free to give Peter a call to get his input on the possible sale of your co-op apartment. Please tell that i referred you.
Gary W. Lofgren
Halliday Financial Group

Dear Peter,
Now that we have closed on our apt. we would like to thank you for your work on our behalf as our real estate broker. You said that you would guide us through the entire process and you did. You were always available to answer questions. You advertised, had open houses, listed on line, etc--as you said you would. It was all done in a pleasant, relaxed manner. Your associates in your office, particularly Ryan, were always helpful. As you know, we are recommended to you by our former neighbor the Leos'. They too were very happy with your performance on their behalf. The liaison with our attorney Remo Hammid was seamless.
The best part was that you found a buyer in a month!!

Again Thank You,
Hilda and Murray Shainis
Hilda and Murray Shainis
Lynbrook, NY

We are writing you this letter to let you know how lucky we consider ourselves for having met you and used your firm to sell out home. Your constant diligence was a very comforting aspect of our relationship. Not once did we ever feel neglected and your attention to detail will be very hard for someone to match. You were certainly a calming influence during a very upsetting time. Regardless of our many silly questions, you handled them as if each one was important. How many agents shovel the snow on the Open House Day? Also, going to our family out west for a month at Christmas did not even faze you and we felt as if we had never left, with your constant updating. Your professionalism was outstanding and for this we will be eternally grateful. Will send our new address in California and will certainly have a bedroom available should you ever decide to visit!
Very truly yours,
Philip and Linda Kelly
Philip and Linda Kelly
Bayside, NY

Dear Peter,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for you commitment, dedication, work ethic and attention to detail in the closing of my father's home. As you know, my father is in his late 80;s and living with me, two and a half hours away from hi home in Bayside. Commuting back and forth to Bayside, NY was an extremely difficult task.
From the moment my father signed the contract with you, you handled everything at his home, well above and beyond the call of duty. In addition to the usual massive responsibilities a broker undertakes in the sale of a home, you also saw to it that the house was well maintained. Any time something needed to be done, I'd receive a lovely phone call from you, identifying the issue and proposing a solution. For example, the front lawn needed to be maintained. You called to let me know it was getting overgrown, then inquired whether or not I would like you to hire someone to mow it and maintain it for me. You then hired the person, followed up that it had been done and called me.
When we did the inspection on our home, you personally arranged for each of the contractors to come to our home and do the necessary work in a timely and professional manner. In fact, you were there for the the inspection and you were there whenever we needed someone at the house; negating the need for me to drive tow and a half hours.
It is always sad to say good-bye to a childhood home and particularly difficult in our case because of the logistics. Yet, you managed every little detail from afar and contacted me with enough information but never over-burdening me.
I would recommend you highly for ANYONE selling their home. I would add a caveat in particular, that if anyone is elderly or has an elderly parent selling their home, you are a particular gem! You manage all the many intricacies of a sale, which is simply overwhelming for people not at the home or elderly and limited in their mobility. This is likely true not just for the elderly , but for anyone with a busy life style.
Best to you always,
Renee S. Kohanski, M.D.
Renee S. Kohanski M.D.
Norwich, CT