“Let My Experience work for You!”
In today’s highly competitive real estate market, you simply can’t afford to work without an experienced and trusted Realtor by your side. Barbara Ferguson has over 17 years of experience, over 400 property sales and she possesses an absolute wealth of knowledge in the housing industry which benefits both buyers and sellers alike. Barbara brings her insightful and direct approach to each and every deal. Her clients rave about her level of service, dedication and business savvy. Barbara belongs to 3 MLS Boards and the New York State Board of Realtors has recognized her for her outstanding work. Barbara is a top agent in the Rockaways for a reason. She believes in the area and she is committed to the lifestyle that attract so many people to the Rockawaysl Barbara is an outdoor enthusiast and this fabulous beach community provides a perfect backdrop for her to work and live her dream lifestyle and more importantly, help YOU to achieve your dreams of an amazing beach lifestyle.
If you are looking to buy or sell a home anywhere in the Rockaways, call Barbara. She will happily give you the gifts of her time and her in depth knowledge of properties and property values. She will become your guide and expert source of information to help you achieve your own real estate and lifestyle goals.
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